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Status Network Testnet Bridge

The Status Network Testnet Bridge allows users to transfer tokens between Sepolia (Layer 1) and Status Network testnet (Layer 2). The bridge interface is available at


The bridge serves as a crucial infrastructure component that enables:

  • Token transfers from Sepolia to Status Network testnet
  • Token withdrawals from Status Network testnet to Sepolia
  • Message passing between L1 and L2

Bridge Contracts

Layer 1 (Sepolia)

Layer 2 (Status Network)


  • Token Bridging: Transfer ERC-20 tokens between networks
  • ETH Bridging: Bridge ETH between Sepolia and Status Network
  • Transaction Tracking: Monitor the status of your bridge transactions
  • Gas Estimation: See estimated gas costs before bridging

Supported Tokens

For the most up-to-date list of supported tokens and their contract addresses, please refer to our Token List Repository.

Using the Bridge

For detailed instructions on how to use the bridge, including step-by-step guides and important security considerations, please refer to our Bridging Guide.

Monitoring Bridge Transactions

You can monitor your bridge transactions using:


If you encounter any issues while using the bridge: